Rank: 999Weight Class: 33kgCompeted:
April 2006
First of the Tuition Robots. Named as such because the builder was hoping to earn their tuition fee by becoming battle king with this robot. (Editor's note, this robot's name has been machine translated, should it read "Scholarship" instead?)
Rank: 1016Weight Class: 33kgCompeted:
May - November 2006
Rank: 970Weight Class: 33kgCompeted:
November 2005 - January 2006
Named after a lift move in wrestling - https://ko.wikipedia.org/wiki/%EB%B0%B0%EC%A7%80%EA%B8%B0
Rank: 1012Weight Class: 33kg Awards: 3Competed:
January 2003 - August 2006
Editor's Note: The name of this robot has been machine translated and as such may be inaccurate
Rank: 1017Weight Class: 33kgCompeted:
January 2003 - June 2006
This Image is of the wedge version of backmirror which first fought either in episode 43 or the 4th korea robot wars, unsure which