Rank: 980Weight Class: 33kgCompeted:
May - September 2005
Is this related to Bulldozer? it has the same sticker on it, is this a shard sponsor or a team
Rank: 962Weight Class: 33kgCompeted:
January 2003 - May 2006
Editor's Note: This robots name was available in text form, as such it has been by eye written by an english speaker, then machine translated. it is possible this name is not correct.
Rank: 1025Weight Class: 30kgCompeted:
January 2003 - May 2005
Editor's Note: Is this robot related to the other korean uppercut or not? they appeared at the same competition with different names
Rank: 993Weight Class: 33kg Awards: 1Competed:
May 2004 - December 2005
Editor's Note: The name of this robot has been machine translated and as such may be inaccurate
Rank: 1007Weight Class: 33kg Awards: 1Competed:
January 2003 - September 2005
Editor's Note: The name of this robot has been machine translated and as such may be inaccurate
Rank: 986Weight Class: 33kgCompeted:
May 2005 - February 2006
Editor's Note this robot name has been copied by eye by an english speaker and machine translated, expect inaccuracy
Rank: 990Weight Class: 33kgCompeted:
December 2005 - December 2006
Image on wiki, assumed to be used after there are no longer recorded episodes however could have been later.
Rank: 1004Weight Class: 33kgCompeted:
January 2003 - September 2005
Editor's Note this machine translates to "Patriotic" but the show uses the transliteration Hogugy to refer to this robot in latin characters. Looks strikingly similar to spongebob ... is it spongebob?
Rank: 991Weight Class: 33kgCompeted:
May - November 2006
Wiki Describes this as being a 3-Toothed blade, however doesn't say exactly when the transition to the pictured version happens