Awards given out at Robocide: Showdown In O-Town

Robot HexaDecimator|truncatechars:100
Award Icon 3rd Place Heavyweight
US Flag HexaDecimator
Robot YU812|truncatechars:100
Award Icon 3rd Place Lightweight
US Flag YU812
Robot The Orlando Commando|truncatechars:100
Award Icon 3rd Place Middleweight
US Flag The Orlando Commando
Robot Mer Madd|truncatechars:100
Award Icon 3rd Place Super Heavyweight
US Flag Mer Madd
Robot Phrizbee|truncatechars:100
Award Icon 2nd Place Heavyweight
US Flag Phrizbee
Robot Pursuer|truncatechars:100
Award Icon 2nd Place Lightweight
US Flag Pursuer
Robot Mutilator|truncatechars:100
Award Icon 2nd Place Middleweight
US Flag Mutilator
Robot Phrizbee-Ultimate|truncatechars:100
Award Icon 2nd Place Super Heavyweight
US Flag Phrizbee-Ultimate
Robot Crabmeat|truncatechars:100
Award Icon 1st Place Heavyweight
US Flag Crabmeat
Robot Major Divot|truncatechars:100
Award Icon 1st Place Lightweight
US Flag Major Divot
Robot Floor Jack|truncatechars:100
Award Icon 1st Place Middleweight
US Flag Floor Jack
Robot Techno Destructo|truncatechars:100
Award Icon 1st Place Super Heavyweight
US Flag Techno Destructo
Robot Tornado Mer|truncatechars:100
Award Icon Heavyweight Rumble Winner
US Flag Tornado Mer