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Robocide: Showdown In O-Town

Logo of Robocide: Showdown In O-Town|truncatechars:100

Organised by: G-Force Labs

Event dates: 3 Jan 2003 - 5 Jan 2003

Editor's Note: Event Location here is a little confusing. The robocide site originally listed the "Central Florida Fairgrounds" but later changed to read "The venue has been changed back to the Orlando Fairgrounds". The pin below is dropped in the central Florida fairgrounds, unsure if a different fairground just called "Orlando fairgrounds" existed

Contest Name Weight Class Fight Type
Super Heavyweight 340lbs Full Combat
Heavyweight (220lbs US) 220lbs Full Combat
Middleweight (120lbs) 120lbs Full Combat
Lightweight (60lbs) 60lbs Full Combat
US Antweight 1lb Full Combat

There were 13 awards given out at this event

This event has been archived using the following websites: