Ranked #1 Heavyweight: 1271.28
Win/Loss: 69/15
Competed: July 2000 - June 2005
Tornado has fought at events where the brackets are missing, so this data may be incomplete. These events are highlighted in its fight history in red.
Ranked #1 Heavyweight in 2005
Weapon: Spear
Weight Class: Heavyweight (1997): 175lbs
July 2000 - February 2001
Team Tornado
4th Wars
Weapon: Interchangeable
Weight Class: Heavyweight: 100kg
April - December 2001
Team Tornado
5th wars
Weapon: Interchangeable
Weight Class: Heavyweight: 100kg
January 2002 - June 2005
Team Tornado
Tornado has won 18 awards.
Award Name | Event | |
Hall of Fame Member | ||
Best Newcomer | Robot Wars: The Fourth Wars | |
Saturday Morning Runner Up | Debenham Robot Rumble 2001 | |
Saturday Afternoon Winner | Debenham Robot Rumble 2001 | |
Sunday Afternoon Winner | Debenham Robot Rumble 2001 | |
Challenge Belt Winner | Robot Wars Extreme | |
1st Place | Robot Mania Brighton 2001 | |
Winning Guest | Kent's EBP Challenge | |
UK Joint Runner Up | Dutch Robot Games 2001 | |
International Champion | Robot Wars: Extreme Warriors Season 2 | |
Sunday All-Stars Winner | Debenham Robot Rumble 2002 | |
Robot Wars Champion | Robot Wars: The Sixth Wars | |
Challenge Belt Holder | Robot Wars Extreme 2 | |
European Champion | Robot Wars Extreme 2 | |
Saturday Morning Heavyweight Merit | War in the Wolds | |
Best Robot Session 1 (Audience Voted) | Robot Roadshow | |
Best Robot Session 2 (Audience Voted) | Robot Roadshow | |
3rd Place | Robot Wars: The Seventh Wars |