US Flag 4-Letter Word

Rank: 914.82

Win/Loss: 1/9

Competed: January 2003 - February 2004

4-Letter Word has fought at events where the brackets are missing, so this data may be incomplete. These events are highlighted in its fight history in red.

US Flag 4-Letter Word
 4-Letter Word
Weapon: Vertical Spinner Weight Class: Heavyweight (220lbs US): 220lbs Competed: January - March 2003 Team: CE Robots

US Flag 4-Letter Word
 4-Letter Word
Weapon: Horizontal Spinner Weight Class: Heavyweight (220lbs US): 220lbs Competed: January - February 2004 Team: CE Robots

Battle Beach II

4-Letter Word has fought 11 fights.

Event Type Opponents Result
Robocide: Showdown In O-Town Full Combat Maximum Paralysis Lost
Full Combat Condor Lost
Battle at the Beach Full Combat MiniRip Lost
Full Combat The Edge Lost
Full Combat SuperFly Won
Full Combat Scooter the Clown Lost
Battle Beach II Full Combat Crabmeat Lost
Full Combat Berserker Lost
Full Combat Scorpius 2 Unknown
Full Combat SuperFly Lost
Full Combat Pandemic Lost