Awards given out at North Carolina Robot Street Fight II

Robot Dagger|truncatechars:100
Award Icon 2nd Place Feather LightWeight
US Flag Dagger
Robot Bambulance|truncatechars:100
Award Icon 2nd Place HeavyWeight
US Flag Bambulance
Robot 2x4|truncatechars:100
Award Icon 2nd Place LightWeight
US Flag 2x4
Robot DZ|truncatechars:100
Award Icon 2nd Place Middle LightWeight
US Flag DZ
Robot Hoarf|truncatechars:100
Award Icon 2nd Place MiddleWeight
US Flag Hoarf
Robot CUAD the Violator|truncatechars:100
Award Icon 1st Place Feather LightWeight
US Flag CUAD the Violator
Robot Phrizbee|truncatechars:100
Award Icon 1st Place HeavyWeight
US Flag Phrizbee
Robot Space Madness|truncatechars:100
Award Icon 1st Place LightWeight
US Flag Space Madness
Robot CUAD the Samurai|truncatechars:100
Award Icon 1st Place Middle LightWeight
US Flag CUAD the Samurai
Robot Two-Fisted|truncatechars:100
Award Icon 1st Place MiddleWeight
US Flag Two-Fisted
Robot CUAD the Crusher|truncatechars:100
Award Icon 1st Place Super Heavyweight
US Flag CUAD the Crusher
Robot 911 Super Heavy|truncatechars:100
Award Icon Honarable Mention: Too Dangerous to Contain
US Flag 911 Super Heavy