US Flag Afterthought

Rank: 1011.21

Win/Loss: 4/3

Competed: June 2000 - November 2001

Ranked #14 Lightweight in 2000

US Flag Afterthought
Weapon: Angled Spinner Weight Class: Lightweight (BB Initial): 58lbs Competed: June 2000 Team: Robot Action League


US Flag Afterthought 2.0
 Afterthought 2.0
Weapon: Angled Spinner Weight Class: Lightweight (BB Initial): 58lbs Competed: November 2000 Team: Robot Action League

US Flag Afterthought
Weapon: Angled Spinner Weight Class: Lightweight (60lbs): 60lbs Competed: November 2001 Team: Robot Action League


Afterthought has fought 10 fights.

Event Type Opponents Result
BattleBots 1.0 Full Combat Black Widow Won
Full Combat Endotherm Lost
Full Combat The Crusher, Endotherm, Dr. Inferno Jr., Ziggo + 6 more... videocam Lost
BattleBots 2.0 Full Combat Delta II Won
Full Combat Das Bot Won
Full Combat Ziggo Lost
Full Combat Widowmaker, Shish-ka-bot, Serial Box Killer, Sublime II + 16 more... videocam Lost
BattleBots 4.0 Full Combat The Crusher Won
Full Combat Slap 'Em Silly Lost
Full Combat Pursuer, Hexy Jr., Low Blow, Ziggo + 8 more... videocam Lost