US Flag Doublecross

Rank: 968.94

Win/Loss: 3/6

Competed: November 2000 - May 2003

US Flag Doublecross
Weapon: Overhead Spinner Weight Class: Lightweight (BB Initial): 58lbs Competed: November 2000


US Flag Doublecross
Weapon: Thwackbot Weight Class: Lightweight (60lbs): 60lbs Competed: December 2002 - May 2003

Lazy Toad Club & Grille, claim that this is a version of the battlebots 2.0 robot on the wiki is unsourced

Doublecross has won 1 award.

Award Name Event
3rd Place Lightweight Robot Club & Grille 305: Metal May-Hem

Doublecross has fought 9 fights.

Event Type Opponents Result
BattleBots 2.0 Full Combat Widowmaker Lost
Robot Club & Grille 212: Grand Opening Full Combat Slight Inconveniencer Lost
Full Combat Homer Won
Full Combat Battallaxx II Won
Full Combat Pea-nut & Pixie Lost
Robot Club & Grille 304: April Annihilator Full Combat MCR Lost
Full Combat Die Metalschlampe Lost
Robot Club & Grille 305: Metal May-Hem Full Combat Bad Grammar Won
Full Combat Porcupine Lost