BR Flag Orion

Ranked #52 Middleweight: 1024.20

Win/Loss: 3/1

Competed: July 2005 - July 2006

Orion has fought at events where the brackets are missing, so this data may be incomplete. These events are highlighted in its fight history in red.

Ranked #52 Middleweight in 2006

BR Flag Orion
Weapon: Drill Weight Class: Middleweight: 55kg Competed: July 2005 Team: Triton Robos

BR Flag Orion
Weapon: Wedge Weight Class: Middleweight (120lbs): 120lbs Competed: July 2006 Team: Triton Robos

Although designed as a lifter, the teams scales were not calibrated leaving them 7 Kg over weight. Whilst they were able to cut the weight down to the limit, the lifting mechanism was lost.

Orion has won 2 awards.

Award Name Event
2nd Place Middleweight Winter Challenge 2ª Edição
Originality Award Winter Challenge 2ª Edição

Orion has fought 5 fights.

Event Type Opponents Result
Winter Challenge 1ª Edição Full Combat Lactea gif Won
Winter Challenge 2ª Edição Full Combat Unknown WC06 Robot 4 gif Unknown
Full Combat Taz videocam Won
Full Combat Magaiver videocam Won
Full Combat Touro videocam Lost