Iron-Awe 2
Ranked #42 Heavyweight: 1037.98
Win/Loss: 7/2
Competed: June 2002 - October 2004
Iron-Awe 2 has fought at events where the brackets are missing, so this data may be incomplete. These events are highlighted in its fight history in red.
Ranked #42 Heavyweight in 2006

Weapon: Flipper
Weight Class: Heavyweight: 100kg
June 2002 - April 2003
Team Iron-Awe
Weapon: Flipper
Weight Class: Heavyweight: 100kg
August 2003 - October 2004
Team Iron-Awe

The final version of Iron-Awe 2 was modified to remove half of the flipper panel. Iron Awe 4 would feature the same layout but with the axe on the opposing side rather than centred. Whilst there are images of this version competing at King's Lynn, there are no images at all of iron awe 2 at either Worcester or Wicksteed Park so it is possible this version entered service earlier.