US Flag SlamDancer

Ranked #88 Lightweight: 1005.16

Win/Loss: 4/4

Competed: May 2002 - April 2003

SlamDancer has fought at events where the brackets are missing, so this data may be incomplete. These events are highlighted in its fight history in red.

Ranked #86 Lightweight in 2002

US Flag SlamDancer
Weapon: Thwackbot Weight Class: Lightweight (60lbs): 60lbs Competed: May - November 2002

US Flag The Waltzing Bear
 The Waltzing Bear
Weapon: Thwackbot Weight Class: Lightweight (60lbs): 60lbs Competed: April 2003

SlamDancer has fought 8 fights.

Event Type Opponents Result
BattleBots 5.0 Full Combat Osirus Won
Full Combat No Luv Won
Full Combat Shockwave Lost
RoboJoust IV, Las Vegas Street Fight IV Non-Spinner ReticBot videocam Won
Non-Spinner 1st Abe Lincoln on the Moon videocam Lost
Non-Spinner MisDirection videocam Lost
Las Vegas Street Fight V Non-Spinner AR videocam Lost
Non-Spinner ReticBot videocam Won