KR Flag 등록금 (Tuition)

Rank: 999.32

Win/Loss: 1/1

Competed: April 2006

First of the Tuition Robots. Named as such because the builder was hoping to earn their tuition fee by becoming battle king with this robot. (Editor's note, this robot's name has been machine translated, should it read "Scholarship" instead?)

KR Flag 등록금 (Tuition)
Weapon: Saw Weight Class: Lightweight (Korea): 33kg Competed: April 2006 Team: Tuition

Tuition has fought 3 fights.

Event Type Opponents Result
EBS Robot Power (2006) Other - Not Combat RATS Tornado, Raptor, Fork, Runzy imagesmode Lost
Full Combat Raptor imagesmode Won
Full Combat Runzy imagesmode Lost