GB Flag Unknown Brighton 2004 Robot 2

Rank: 1000.00

Win/Loss: 0/0

Competed: February 2004

Unknown Brighton 2004 Robot 2 has fought at events where the brackets are missing, so this data may be incomplete. These events are highlighted in its fight history in red.

GB Flag Unknown Brighton 2004 Robot 2
 Unknown Brighton 2004 Robot 2
Weapon: Flipper Weight Class: Heavyweight: 100kg Competed: February 2004

Editor's Note: Unsure what this robot is, The two robots on the entry list that I can't identify in pictures for certain are tanto and hurricane. This robot isn't tanto so is most likely hurricane, but it is possible that its a robot not on that list.

Unknown Brighton 2004 Robot 2 has fought 2 fights.

Event Type Opponents Result
Brighton Model World 2004 Non-Spinner Hydra, Tough as Nails, Barbaric Response, Kronic the Wedgehog + 3 more... imagesmode Unknown
Non-Spinner Behemoth, Thorak, Merlin, Spawn Again imagesmode Unknown