US Flag Unknown BotBash04 Robot 1

Rank: 1000.00

Win/Loss: 0/0

Competed: April 2004

Editor's note: Best guess based on the builder's db profile to the identity of this robot is "60lbs of jimmy" but there is a strong possibility that's a pseudoname for slap em silly and not this robot

Unknown BotBash04 Robot 1 has fought at events where the brackets are missing, so this data may be incomplete. These events are highlighted in its fight history in red.

US Flag Unknown BotBash04 Robot 1
 Unknown BotBash04 Robot 1
Weapon: Wedge Weight Class: Lightweight (60lbs): 60lbs Competed: April 2004

Unknown BotBash04 Robot 1 has fought 1 fight.

Event Type Opponents Result
Southwest Division Championships Other - Not Combat New Attitude, Agsma 2, Rotato gif Unknown