US Flag Tool Pusher

Rank: 1000.00

Win/Loss: 0/0

Competed: April 2004

This robot looks to be a complete version of the image & weapon descriptions from this builder's DB profile It doesn't match any other robot known to compete at SDC but ultimately is still unknown if the pictured robot is tool pusher or something else.

Tool Pusher has fought at events where the brackets are missing, so this data may be incomplete. These events are highlighted in its fight history in red.

US Flag Tool Pusher
 Tool Pusher
Weapon: Lifter Weight Class: Lightweight (60lbs): 60lbs Competed: April 2004

Tool Pusher has fought 2 fights.

Event Type Opponents Result
Southwest Division Championships Other - Not Combat Whack! & Irrigator videocam Unknown
Other - Not Combat Son of Wacky Compass, High Plains Drifter gif Unknown