US Flag Titanium Blonde

Rank: 1000.00

Win/Loss: 0/0

Competed: September 2002

Botbash 2002

Titanium Blonde has fought at events where the brackets are missing, so this data may be incomplete. These events are highlighted in its fight history in red.

US Flag Titanium Blonde
 Titanium Blonde
Weapon: Rammer Weight Class: Featherweight: 30lbs Competed: September 2002 Team: Big Bang Robotics

Editor's Note: Image file is captioned "Blond Ambition - Jay Johnson" on the flikr album, there isn't a robot with that name, so I assume this is the correct picture for this robot, still no idea what the weapon is supposed to be however, potentially it's to control the football

Titanium Blonde has fought 1 fight.

Event Type Opponents Result
BotBash 2002 Other - Not Combat BVD & Twibil Trouble Unknown