CA Flag Son of Smashy

Rank: 1048.83

Win/Loss: 4/0

Competed: August 1999

Ranked #2 Middleweight in 2000

CA Flag Son of Smashy
 Son of Smashy
Weapon: Axe Weight Class: Middleweight (BB Initial): 115lbs Competed: August 1999 Team: Mission Destruction

Son of Smashy has won 2 awards.

Award Name Event
Golden Picture Frame Icon Hall of Fame Honorable Mention
Middleweight Champion BattleBots Long Beach 1999

Son of Smashy has fought 5 fights.

Event Type Opponents Result
BattleBots Long Beach 1999 Full Combat Ankle Biter videocam Won
Full Combat Deadblow Won
Full Combat Knee-Breaker Won
Full Combat Knee-Breaker videocam Won
Full Combat Carnivore, Deadblow, Ankle Biter, Spaz + 5 more... videocam Lost