NL Flag Scraptosaur

Ranked #76 Heavyweight: 1007.42

Win/Loss: 1/0

Competed: September 2004 - June 2006

This appears to be a modified version of the first version of scraptosaur. It is listed as a separate robot due to being a "Spin-off". Unsure what this robot's name is as it isn't listed at the event so it is called "Scraptosaur 1" for now

Scraptosaur has fought at events where the brackets are missing, so this data may be incomplete. These events are highlighted in its fight history in red.

Ranked #76 Heavyweight in 2006

NL Flag Scraptosaur 1
 Scraptosaur 1
Weapon: Flipper Weight Class: Heavyweight: 100kg Competed: September 2004 - June 2006 Team: Team FFR

Scraptosaur has fought 6 fights.

Event Type Opponents Result
DRG Club Day Rotterdam Ahoy Non-Spinner Alien Destructor 2 videocam Unknown
Non-Spinner Tough as Nails videocam Won
Non-Spinner Tough as Nails, Alien Destructor 2 imagesmode Unknown
DRG Demo Ede - Vision & Robotics 2006 Non-Spinner PulverizeR imagesmode Unknown
Non-Spinner Alien Destructor 2 imagesmode Unknown
Non-Spinner PulverizeR imagesmode Unknown