XX Flag MantaRay

Rank: 975.00

Win/Loss: 0/2

Competed: October 2001

XX Flag MantaRay
 Black Circle with White Question Mark Inside
Weapon: Unknown Weight Class: Middleweight (BB Initial): 115lbs Competed: October 2001

Editor's Note: I'm not sure what this bot is and it is very possible these fights aren't real. the only other bot I could find from this time period called "MantaRay" was a superheavyweight my current theory is that this bot entered botbash's "superheavyweight" class which was actually middleweights and had to withdraw giving it officially 2 losses both of which were forfeits, however since I can't prove that I'm leaving it in here.

MantaRay has fought 2 fights.

Event Type Opponents Result
BotBash 2001 Full Combat All Weather Tire Bot Lost
Full Combat Heavy Metal Noise Lost