XW Flag Infinity

Ranked #85 Heavyweight: 1000.11

Win/Loss: 1/1

Competed: July 2002 - January 2005

Infinity has fought at events where the brackets are missing, so this data may be incomplete. These events are highlighted in its fight history in red.

Ranked #85 Heavyweight in 2006

XW Flag Infinity
Weapon: Horizontal Crusher Weight Class: Heavyweight: 100kg Competed: July 2002 - January 2005 Team: Team Infinity

Infinity has fought 10 fights.

Event Type Opponents Result
Robot Wars: The Sixth Wars Full Combat Infernal Contraption, Aggrobot 3, 259 imagesmode Lost
Robot Wars Extreme 2 Full Combat Tiberius 3, Fluffy imagesmode Qualified
Full Combat Infernal Contraption imagesmode Won
Full Combat Tiberius 3 imagesmode Lost
Wrexham Wrumble Non-Spinner Ripper 3, Big Nipper Lost
Non-Spinner Pussycat, Cayenne Won
Welsh Robot Show Aberystwyth 2004 Non-Spinner Mute, Spearhead, Revolution 3, Leveller 2 + 5 more... Lost
Aberystwyth 2005 Non-Spinner Merlin, Behemoth Lost
Non-Spinner Big Nipper gif Unknown
Non-Spinner Merlin, Behemoth, Big Nipper, Stratos Fear imagesmode Unknown