GB Flag Humdrum

Rank: 989.46

Win/Loss: 1/1

Competed: June 2001 - January 2002

US Flag Joker
Weapon: Shell Spinner Weight Class: Heavyweight: 100kg Competed: June 2001 Loaned To: Team Sylvan Lake Robot Warriors

Loaned ew1 Loanerbot, although the team would return with a robot of thier own with the same name

US Flag Humdrum
Weapon: Shell Spinner Weight Class: Heavyweight: 100kg Competed: January 2002 Loaned To: RobotDojo

Humdrum has fought 5 fights.

Event Type Opponents Result
Robot Wars: Extreme Warriors Season 1 Full Combat Run Away! & General Chompsalot Lost
Full Combat Tricerabot & Rosie the Riveter Lost
Full Combat Spawn Again Won
Full Combat General Chompsalot Lost
Nickelodeon Robot Wars Sportsman imagesmode Unknown