US Flag DooAll

Rank: 1028.99

Win/Loss: 8/6

Competed: August 1997 - May 2001

Ranked #7 Heavyweight in 1997

US Flag DooAll
Weapon: Saw Weight Class: Heavyweight (1997): 175lbs Competed: August 1997 - February 1999 Team: Team DooAll


US Flag DooAll
Weapon: Spear Weight Class: Super Heavyweight (BB Initial): 325lbs Competed: June - November 2000 Team: Team DooAll


US Flag DooAll
Weapon: Crusher Weight Class: Super Heavyweight (BB Initial): 325lbs Competed: May 2001 Team: Team DooAll


DooAll has won 1 award.

Award Name Event
2nd Place Super Heavyweight BattleBots 1.0

DooAll has fought 18 fights.

Event Type Opponents Result
Robot Wars 1997 Full Combat Kill-O-Amp videocam Lost
Full Combat Monster videocam Won
Full Combat Prometheus 2 videocam Won
Full Combat Scorpion videocam Won
Full Combat Tazbot videocam Won
Full Combat La Machine videocam Lost
Full Combat frenZy, Monster, Snake, Tazbot videocam Drew
Full Combat Biohazard, Hercules I, La Machine videocam Lost
Underground Robot Street Fight Sportsman La Machine videocam Lost
BattleBots 1.0 Full Combat S.L.A.M. Won
Full Combat Super Rhino Won
Full Combat Ronin Won
Full Combat Minion Lost
BattleBots on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno Other - Not Combat Mauler 2000, Diesector videocam Lost
BattleBots 2.0 Full Combat Doom of Babylon Won
Full Combat War Machine Lost
BattleBots 3.0 Full Combat Anubis Lost
Full Combat Tortoise, Half Gassed, Whyachi, OJ + 3 more... Lost