FI Flag Depis

Ranked #54 Lightweight: 1018.64

Win/Loss: 4/1

Competed: April - October 2005

Depis has fought at events where the brackets are missing, so this data may be incomplete. These events are highlighted in its fight history in red.

Ranked #54 Lightweight in 2006

FI Flag Depis
Weapon: Crusher Weight Class: Lightweight (classic rw): 25kg Competed: April - October 2005

Depis has won 2 awards.

Award Name Event
1st Place 25kg Robosota @ Model Expo 2005
1st Place Lightweight Robosota @ Insomnia VII

Depis has fought 5 fights.

Event Type Opponents Result
Robosota @ Model Expo 2005 Non-Spinner Teurastaja Won
Non-Spinner Teurastaja imagesmode Won
Robosota @ Assembly 2005 Non-Spinner Antero Comeback Lost
Robosota @ Insomnia VII Non-Spinner Final Destination Won
Non-Spinner Antero Comeback Won