XE Flag Crushtacean

Ranked #42 Heavyweight: 1053.93

Win/Loss: 8/5

Competed: July 2001 - February 2004

Crushtacean has fought at events where the brackets are missing, so this data may be incomplete. These events are highlighted in its fight history in red.

Ranked #37 Heavyweight in 2002

XE Flag Crushtacean
Weapon: Crusher Weight Class: Heavyweight: 100kg Competed: July 2001 - February 2004

classic robot wars

XE Flag Krab-Bot
Weapon: Crusher Weight Class: Heavyweight: 100kg Competed: July 2002

Crushtacean has won 2 awards.

Award Name Event
Most Original Entry Robot Wars: The Sixth Wars
2nd Place Heavyweight Wrexham Wrumble

Crushtacean has fought 21 fights.

Event Type Opponents Result
Fifth Wars Qualifiers Full Combat Edge Hog Won
Robot Wars: The Fifth Wars Full Combat Robochicken-Evo Won
Full Combat Behemoth Won
Full Combat Wheely Big Cheese Lost
Dutch Robot Wars Series 2 Full Combat Alien Destructor 2 imagesmode Won
Full Combat Hammerhead 2 imagesmode Won
Full Combat Twisted Metal Evo imagesmode Won
Full Combat Philipper II imagesmode Lost
Robot Wars: The Sixth Wars Full Combat Mr Nasty, Dantomkia, Doctor Fist imagesmode Qualified
Full Combat Chaos 2 imagesmode Lost
Robot Wars Extreme 2 Full Combat Cerberus, Panic Attack, Terror Turtle imagesmode Qualified
Full Combat Corkscrew imagesmode Won
Full Combat Firestorm IV imagesmode Lost
Wrexham Wrumble Non-Spinner M2, Big Nipper Won
Non-Spinner 51, Big Nipper Won
Non-Spinner Terrorhurtz, Dantomkia Lost
Robot Wars: The Seventh Wars Full Combat Behemoth, UFO, Tartarus imagesmode Lost
Full Combat Topbot imagesmode Won
Full Combat PulverizeR, Snake Bite videocam Won
Full Combat Supernova videocam Lost
Leap Day Robot Show Preston 2004 Non-Spinner Merlin, Chip Unknown