US Flag Bob Smith

Rank: 1030.50

Win/Loss: 4/2

Competed: August 1997

Ranked #7 Featherweight in 1997

US Flag Bob Smith
 Bob Smith
Weapon: Thwackbot Weight Class: Featherweight (1996): 11.3kg Competed: August 1997 Team: Robot Action League

Bob Smith has fought 9 fights.

Event Type Opponents Result
Robot Wars 1997 Full Combat Wedge of Doom videocam Lost
Full Combat Gorange videocam Won
Full Combat Bayo Bangle videocam Won
Full Combat Red 2 videocam Won
Full Combat TKO videocam Won
Full Combat Dough Boy videocam Lost
Full Combat Destructomatic, No Love, Spike 2, The Grinch + 2 more... videocam Qualified
Full Combat Dough Boy, Gorange, Wedge of Doom, KMM videocam Qualified
Full Combat No Love, Red-Green, Spike 2, Wedge of Doom videocam Lost