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Rocket City Robot Assault

Logo of Rocket City Robot Assault|truncatechars:100

Organised by: South Eastern Combat Robotics

Event dates: 29 May 2004 - 30 May 2004

Editor's note: The madoverlord site is missing some fights listed on botrank. It is assumed that these fights did not take place and were forfeits due to noticing some patterns. (eg shrederator should've fought bambulance twice, but since those are both team logicom bots it may be a forfeit. Also the orlando commando should've had a loser's bracket fight, but was destroyed)

Contest Name Weight Class Fight Type
Heavyweight (220lbs US) 220lbs Full Combat
Middleweight (120lbs) 120lbs Full Combat
Lightweight (60lbs) 60lbs Full Combat
Featherweight 30lbs Full Combat
Hobbyweight 12lbs Full Combat
Beetleweight 3lbs Full Combat
US Antweight 1lb Full Combat
UK Antweight / US Fairyweight 150g Full Combat

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