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Mechwars VII

Logo of Mechwars VII|truncatechars:100

Organised by: MechWars

Event dates: 25 Oct 2003 - 26 Oct 2003

Editor's Note: Both Peanut & Mini Madd competed at this event, but since they seem to switch names and there aren't any images of mech 7 unsure which is which. Have assumed mini madd is the flipper in this case. Have made the assumption that the "spare parts" that fights AL is problem child, however this may not be the case. Stump grinder claims to be 2:2 but botrank only lists 3 fights- did stump grinder beat ashley or bad dawg? DeathHammer may not be version 2.1 may be a different build due to the time difference but there's no evidence either way

Contest Name Weight Class Fight Type
Mechwars Megaweight 390lbs Full Combat
Super Heavyweight 340lbs Full Combat
Heavyweight (220lbs US) 220lbs Full Combat
Middleweight (120lbs) 120lbs Full Combat
Lightweight (60lbs) 60lbs Full Combat
Football 60lbs Other - Not Combat

There were 15 awards given out at this event

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