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Lazy Toad Robot Conflict 210

Logo of Lazy Toad Robot Conflict 210|truncatechars:100

Organised by: Northeast Robotics Club

Event dates: 19 Oct 2002 - 20 Oct 2002

Editor's Note: All wiki pages list Tornado Mer beating team wetware's ShieldBreaker/Mr. Bonestripper at this event, however none of the primary sources have any evidence of heavyweight fights happening at all, so for now it is not listed.

Contest Name Weight Class Fight Type
Middleweight (120lbs) 120lbs Full Combat
Lightweight (60lbs) 60lbs Full Combat
Featherweight 30lbs Full Combat
Hobbyweight 12lbs Full Combat
Beetleweight 3lbs Full Combat
US Antweight 1lb Full Combat

There were 6 awards given out at this event

This event has been archived using the following websites: